Medina County Resources
12 Step Recovery Club
1480 Pearl Rd.
Brunswick, Ohio 44212
In the Brunswick Plaza
Club Hours
Sunday 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Monday Noon to 10:00 PM
Tuesday Noon to 11:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Thursday Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday Noon to 10:00 PM
Friday 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM
Saturday 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
- Except for Special Events
- Club may be closed at some times due to lack of counter help
Meetings and Times
Sunday 11:00 AM AA Closed Mixed 12 &12 Study
Sunday 8:00 PM AA Open Mixed Lead
Monday 6:00 PM AA Closed Women’s Discussion
Monday 8:00 PM AA Closed Men’s Lead
Tuesday 9:00 PM AA Closed Men’s Ask-it-basket **
Wednesday 10:00 AM AA Open Mixed Discussion
Wednesday 8:00 PM AA Limited Mixed Lead
Thursday 8:00 PM AA Open Mixed Big Book
Friday 12:15 PM AA Open Mixed Literature Disc.
Friday 8:00 PM AA Closed Mixed Discussion **
Saturday 10:00 AM AA Closed Mixed 12 & 12
Saturday Noon DA Open Mixed Discussion
Saturday 7:00 PM AA Open Mixed Disc., 12&12, B.B.
** No attendance slip will be signed.
Other meetings on holidays or when public buildings are closed.
- The ADAMH Board is responsible for seeing that effective and affordable treatment and prevention services are available in Medina County for adults, teens and children.
- Alternative Paths provides outpatient behavioral healthcare services with a multidisciplinary clinical team of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, clinical social workers, clinical counselors, case managers and chemical dependency clinicians. (330)725-9187
Open Every Tuesday at 7:00pm.
Brunswick Church of the Nazarene
3965 Center Road
Contact Information
Tel: 330-225-6957
- Heroin Anonymous Group meets every Thursday from 7:00-8:30 pm.
- 1480 Pearl Rd. Unit 6 Brunswick, OH 44212
- Phone: 330-460-3551
- Families Anonymous provides support for family members seeking ways to help deal with the problem of substance abuse and addiction in their children, siblings, spouses, or significant others. (800)736-9805
- The FACT Program targets youth grades 6-12th who are in crisis or at risk due to inappropriate behaviors or delayed social skills. The goal is to reduce the chance that they will begin using drugs or alcohol. Wrap around services are provided to students identified by educators and referred to the FACT Program. FACT connects students and families to community services. (330)225-9111
Knowledge is the Anti-Drug
This series of mini-retreats or classes addresses the opioid/co-dependency crisis we are in through the creation of what is called ethical space in current educational practices. Ethical space is defined as:
…the in-between space that connects Indigenous
and Eurocentric knowledge systems…the space that is created
when Indigenous and Western thought are brought together…
It is not a merge or a clash, but a space that is new, electrifying,
even contentious, but ultimately has the potential for an interchange
or dialogue of the assumptions, values and interest each holds.
Adding ethics to this space entertains our personal capacity and
our integrity to stand up for our cherished notions of good,
responsibility, and duty. (De-colonizing Education, p. 105)
When seen through the lens of ethical space, the 12 Steps of the Recovery Movement have a striking similarity to the ‘medicine wheel’ of those who lived in Ohio before colonization.
This is especially true as regards the nature of human beings. The 4 Directions of the wheel express that human beings are mental (North), emotional (East), physical (South) and spiritual (West) beings.
The 4 ‘seasons’ are also understood as seasons of life. Childhood is the East and adulthood is the South. It is just in this place in the wheel that we are losing our citizens. The central reason is because what worked well in an earlier season of life becomes destructive in the next. In childhood, if there is pain, the wisdom is to move away from it. If there is emptiness and hunger, the wisdom is to cry out and ask for help. In adulthood, the opposite is true. If there is pain, the wisdom is to move directly into and through it, to make the pain a central teacher. If there is emptiness, the wisdom is that we become full by giving away. It is possible to see the opioid epidemic as a failure to develop an adult relationship with pain and emptiness.
It is tempting to place all the blame for addiction on the shoulders of those who suffer. This suffering, though, belongs to all of us. It is a collective question and requires ways to address collective suffering together as a community.
- Christopher Reynolds, M.Ed.
- Medina County Juvenile Drug Court combines substance abuse and mental health treatment, court supervision, case management and community support to rehabilitate young offenders. (330)725-9709
The Medina County Roadrunners have a group of runners within their club that work with individuals in recovery. Here are links to the website and Facebook page:
- Oakview Behavioral Health Center provides inpatient and outpatient treatment for mental health, outpatient treatment for chemical dependency and dual diagnosis treatment for patients with both mental health problems and chemical addictions.(440)816-8200
- Phillip Titterington: Executive Director, Medina County ADAMH Board
- Krista Wasowski: Health Commissioner, Medina County Health Department
Local Picture of Opiate Epidemic:
- State: Steve Hambley, Ohio Representative
- Children and Families: Jeff Felton, Director of Medina County Job & Family Services
- Education: Dr. Kristine Quallich, Assistant Superintendent of Medina City Schools.
- Law Enforcement: Terry Grice, Montville Police Chief
- EMS/Fire: Rick Moskalski, EMS Coordinator and EMS Outreach and Emergency Management Coordinator Medina General Hospital
- Community Response: Matt Hiscock, Wadsworth Director of Public Safety
Progress, updates and upcoming meeting dates will be posted on
The Medina County Health Department offers narcan to the public at no charge. Here is a link to our website that contains additional information about Project D.A.W.N:
- A community-based organization focused on promoting awareness and education surrounding drug addiction. Robby’s Voice provides in-person programs sharing the story and personal experience of losing a son and brother to addiction.